

Nowadays, businesses must be prepared for sudden changes in their volatile and uncertain business environment. Organizations can continue to function during unexpected events through business continuity and disaster recovery strategies. This article discusses seven crucial methods for preparing for as well as responding to disruptions by firms.

By implementing these methods, businesses can decrease the effect of potential catastrophes on their operations thereby guaranteeing its continuation and success.

1. Conduct a risk assessment

Your business enterprise’s plan for maintaining operations and recovering from a catastrophe has to commence with a comprehensive risk evaluation. What does it entail? Identifying potential dangers like natural calamities, cyber-attacks or disruptions in the supply chain which might affect your business? Having done this, the organization will be able to determine what resources are most important and where it should focus its attention while developing BCDR strategy by examining the likelihood of different threats as well as their possible impacts.

2. Complete a business impact analysis

Organizations should also conduct a Business Impact Analysis which would help them outline potential consequences of a disruption to key operations along with its impacts on overall business operations and bottom line.

3. Develop an effective communication plan

Efficient communication is among the strategies that organizations must adopt when coming up with their own BCDR approaches. In case of any disaster or disruption, clear communication that is fast enough will ensure that workers are kept updated alongside customers and other stakeholders hence avoiding confusion or downtime risks. Thus, it is vital to come up with a communication plan that shows who should communicate what information, on which channel and to whom.

4. Implement a robust data backup and recovery system

In the modern world, most businesses consider data an important resource and losing it can have dire consequences. As such, organizations should incorporate a robust data backup and recovery system in their BCDR strategies by Managed Cloud. This usually involves routinely making copies of all vital information and systems on a protected site and carrying out frequent tests to check the retrieval process.

5. Establish alternate work arrangements

As for alternate arrangements that companies should put in place if the primary workplace becomes unusable due to any disruption, they must think about how operations could still go on. Examples of this include having another space for work, applying a policy of ‘work from home’ or creating links with other people to be able to assist one another.

6. Train and educate employees

Another crucial BCDR component is ensuring that employees are knowledgeable about appropriate disaster procedures. Such measures may consist of training sessions on emergencies at regular intervals, informing employees about how they can use backup systems and access them, as well as conducting drills on emergency response.

7. Regularly review and update the BCDR plan

Businesses must regularly review and update their BCDR plan so that it remains effective and relevant. Businesses have risks as well as opportunities that keep changing with time. It is necessary to go back to the risk assessment, BIA, and entire BCDR plan regularly to accommodate all changes. There should also be regular tests carried out by businesses to identify weaknesses and areas that need improvement.


For any organization that wants to sail through unforeseen disruptions while keeping its operations running, having an effective business continuity and disaster recovery system is essential. In this article, there exist seven key strategies which if followed would enable a company to anticipate risks, prioritize critical operations, and coordinate responses by putting in place processes and protocols among other things. 

In conclusion, considering today’s companies’ mobility toward varying environments, nothing can be more important than revisiting the BCDR plan regularly for its effectiveness in terms of relevance. By using an efficient BCDR program businesses can weather disasters as confidently as they could thrive till eternity.