Core PHP vs Laravel: Which is the Best Option for your Web Applications?

Are you planning to build an efficient web app? If yes, you will come across two popular frameworks: Core PHP and Laravel. Now, you may be confused about which one to pick between these two for your unique requirements. 

So, to make things easier for you, we have come up with this detailed guide. Here, we will do a thorough comparison of both these platforms. Read this entire blog post before you hire a Laravel or PHP web development company:

A Brief Overview of Core PHP vs Laravel

Core PHP

PHP, or Hypertext Preprocessor, refers to a scripting language that facilitates the automation of different tasks, especially in server-side web development. PHP is the foundation programming language for every PHP framework, which includes Laravel. 

Being a general-purpose programming language, it embeds the HTML code. Also, it helps in building dynamic web pages, database-driven apps, and e-commerce web apps.

Key Features of Core PHP

  • Flexibility
  • Platform Independence
  • Extensibility
  • Simplicity
  • Community Support
  • Performance
  • Interoperability
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Database Compatibility
  • Server-Side Scripting


Laravel is a PHP-based web development framework with the aid of which you would be able to build web application backends. It possesses an expressive syntax that transforms the development experience into a fulfilling one. 

This framework is also known for easing out certain tasks like caching, routing, authentication, sessions and HTML templating. As a result, it makes the overall development process easy without affecting the app’s functionality. 

It is typically suited for developing e-commerce portals, SPAs, social media platforms and web portals with extensive data. If you have any related requirements, it is recommended to hire Laravel developer.

Notable Features of Laravel

  • Routing System
  • MVC Architecture
  • Eloquent ORM
  • Blade Templating
  • Caching
  • Testing Support
  • Authorisation and Authentication
  • Artisan CLI
  • Job Scheduling and Queues
  • Database Seeding and Migrations

In-Depth Comparison: Core PHP vs Laravel

Now, let’s do a detailed comparison between Laravel and Core PHP in the following section:

  • Architecture

The architecture of a technical stack plays a considerable role in delivering the best for your web app. Building a business solution is directly proportional to your web application’s data security and speed. 

Compared with Laravel, Core PHP comes with features like extracting the logic layer from the representation layer. It assists businesses in effortlessly configuring the data routes for getting and processing the data inputs by the users.

On the other hand, Laravel employs an MVC architecture with the help of which developers can accurately divide the backend and the front end of their web app. 

It leads to better efficiency as the backend developers and the interface designers can simultaneously work and accomplish the project in record time. The MVC architecture also helps enhance the search engine ranking of websites. 

Ultimately, it gives them better control to customise according to the marketing strategies. If you have any further queries, you can hire Laravel developer who can offer you related assistance.

  • Performance

Performance is the most important aspect when finalising a technical stack for your upcoming project. The better the performance is, the more proficiently it assesses the request handling attribute. 

Compared to Laravel, Core PHP is typically faster due to its concurrency rate. It helps in implementing and delivering acknowledgement to a large number of user requests simultaneously. 

As per the performance benchmark tests conducted by open-source communities, PHP has attained a benchmark score of simultaneously processing 1617 instructions. 

Whereas, Laravel falls behind PHP. The Core PHP concurrency is also considered swifter as it can render around 90,000 lines of code within a minute and manage up to 9000 commands/second. Although in terms of performance, Laravel is slower, its cache tags characteristic can help minimise the response time by loading the pre-stored data.

  • Flexibility

Core PHP lets you implement extra ideas beyond the set structures of frameworks. It provides new features and efficiency to your project. Due to this reason, it is also referred to as the custom-based framework. 

So, it would not be wrong to call Core PHP a flexible framework, as it offers many opportunities for customisation. 

On the contrary, Laravel employs the MVC architecture that performs well with projects having a considerable amount of unstructured code. It subsequently aids in streamlining the workflow and coding structures. 

Ultimately, it allows for outstanding performance and offers further support in this framework. For best outcomes, you can hire Laravel developer.

  • Database Compatibility

Databases play a significant role in improving the efficiency of your app. They help organise, store and process the data per user request of your web application. Presently, Laravel supports four of the most well-known databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and SQL. 

It allows for multiple connections between the web app and distinct databases, which assures a unified communication path. But, when it comes to Core PHP, one can effortlessly link it with any database like MySQL, DB2, MongoDB, Oracle, etc.

Switching from one database to another in Core PHP is easy with its integrated functions and modules. Also, it assists the product owners in migrating the user data, especially through menial coding through exception handling, OOPS-based syntax, prepared statement support and API reusability. 

A constant relationship is built between the database and the web app because of its PHP data objects. Thereby, it offers a smooth data transaction channel.

  • Ease of Development

When working with Core PHP, the product owners are not typically bound by the usage of any library. So, no constructive hustle will arise, especially within the development procedure of your web app utilising this framework.

Laravel has several object-oriented libraries optimised to provide a clear module structure streamlining the modification needed within the project later on. It facilitates smooth maintenance. Thus, in terms of development ease, Laravel wins over Core PHP as it provides Code Reusability even though Core PHP has a faster development process.

Wrapping Up

So, the ones mentioned above are key distinctions between Core PHP and Laravel that one should have a clear idea about while choosing between Laravel and a PHP web development company. 

After reading this guide, we hope you can make a well-informed decision that matches your unique project requirements. Overall, your final call will depend on your individual needs.