
Why Your Healthspan is More Important Than Your Lifespan

Most people focus on a number when they talk about how long they would like to live. When doing so, they neglect to consider healthspan. However, doctors today are emphasizing healthspan, as they want their patients to have a good quality of life regardless of how many years they live.

Life expectancy figures continue to climb. Today, doctors are looking at how to help individuals make the most of these years. They want patients to be in good health so they can enjoy this extra time fully. Revive MD can help.

Lifespan Versus Healthspan

When someone talks about lifespan, they are talking about the number of years a person will live. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the life expectancy at birth for both sexes is 76.4 years. Men have a lower life expectancy overall, coming in at 73.5 years. Women, in contrast, are expected to live longer with a life expectancy of 79.3 years.

Healthspan refers to the length of time a person remains disease-free in terms of those diseases related to the aging process. However, it also takes into consideration any disabilities that interfere with the person’s ability to live their life as they choose. To have the highest quality of life, a person must have their mental facilities and the ability to get around as they choose.

What Factors Play a Role in a Person’s Healthspan?

Genetics influence a person’s healthspan, but they are not the only factor that determines it. A person’s lifestyle choices also play a role in their overall health and quality of life, as do environmental exposures over their lifetime. There are many things a person can do to extend their healthspan.

Methods Used to Expand Healthspan

Men and women looking to have the highest quality of life as they age need to take steps to achieve this goal. It all starts with a healthy diet, one that is high in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Avoid processed and fast foods and try to limit consumption of unhealthy fats for a longer healthspan.

Exercise also helps extend healthspan. A person needs to engage in different types of exercise, including cardiovascular exercises, flexibility exercises, and strength training. Those who smoke need to quit, and every person needs to reduce the stress in their life. Meditation, yoga, and hobbies can help with this goal.

Men and women who engage in lifelong learning tend to have a longer healthspan. They challenge their brains with mental stimulation. In addition, social connections are important as a person ages.

Ongoing Research into Healthspan and Factors That Affect It

Researchers continue to look into ways a person can extend their healthspan and their lifespan. Areas they are currently looking at include fasting and caloric restrictions. They are also investigating drugs known as senolytics that remove cells that are old or dysfunctional. In the future, stem cell therapies may be used to regenerate organs and tissues or gene editing must be employed to address age-related genetic pathways. However, the focus should also be on healthy lifestyle choices because they are the first defense against age-related diseases.

No person wants to live to be 110 if they can only lie in a bed and do nothing. To avoid this situation, men and women need to prioritize a long healthspan instead of a long lifespan. Those who do so find they will live longer and be able to enjoy this extra time more.