Revenue Model

How to Generate Income from Revenue Models?

A revenue model is a strategy to get income for the services rendered or products produced. It can help you earn the income directly, or you can earn from offering more services within the revenue model. For instance, in some revenue models, you can only generate income in one way, while others may offer multiple ways to earn. 

There are different revenue models you should know and how to leverage them to generate more income. The model and income depend on the products and services since not all models will fit all the products or services offered. Here are some ways to make income from these models.  

Subscription Revenue Models 

The subscription revenue models are common for mainly streaming services and other online services activities. For instance, when you use your social media accounts as a business, you can generate revenue as more people subscribe to the channel and view your content. You can use the subscription rate to market your channels for advertisers; hence you gain the endorsement, promotion and advertising business that will help you get more capital. 

The second way to generate income is through club, package or product subscription. This occurs when customers must pay their subscription fees for a certain duration to get the products delivered over that period. It can be a subscription for services or goods offered directly to customers. The higher the subscription, the higher the revenue. Before you create the subscription program, you need the guidance and aid of the best company setup Singapore experts to enable you to take advantage of the subscription model.  

You can also add additional costs as part of the subscription model, such as shipping and after-sales enabling you to increase the revenue generated. The subscription model is highly scalable through excellent marketing and can offer you the best insights about the anticipated revenues.  

Advertising model  

Advertising can be a good revenue source for companies and individuals offering adverts and product promotions. If you have a social media channel and a business that offers online commerce, you can use them to get additional capital through advertising. For example, a company selling shoes online can use its platform to help other fashion companies market through its portal and channels, enabling these companies to reach customers and pay for the adverts directly. 

Individuals with high social media followers can also use their channels for advertising strategies such as endorsement, direct promotion, and marketing for their audience at a fee. The advertising revenue can still apply to traditional industries offering billboard services, advertising slots etc. The benefit of the advertising model is that it can grow exponentially depending on the potential customers. 

Rental model  

Though this revenue model is quickly being wiped out, it still dominates in certain sectors. One of the sectors is the transportation and accommodation industry. It involves generating income from leasing a facility for use over a while. This can include renting a car, yacht, house, hotel etc. The higher the demand, the more the rental income. 

Rental income can be a good model for companies and individuals with certain accessories on demand; however, making more income will depend on service delivery. Quality services will increase word-of-mouth advertising by the customers and demand for the products, increasing income. It also depends on how much you advertise the products and services to attract customers to your business. The products must also be in the best condition to attract customers and create a lasting impression. 

Consumption model  

Various services are usually billed after use, such as energy, water bills, airtime, and other products. In this model, the company generates revenue based on what the customer has consumed, and they are billed at the end of the month or duration for their consumption. It is majorly used by companies to generate revenue by offering different services; however, it is advantageous for customers who love monitoring their consumption and paying for what they have used. 

It is closer to the subscription model only that the customers pay after. The reliability will depend on factors such as customer ratings, i.e., the higher the ratings, the higher you can charge for the services without much complaint due to the service values and product quality.  

Production model 

This model is suitable mainly for manufacturing companies. Manufacturing products and then marketing, distributing and selling them can be tiresome and expensive, especially for SMEs. Instead of all the trouble, a company can focus only on production; this involves producing products for different companies and then selling to them.  

It is effective for large companies and is mainly used in different companies. Therefore, you will only get the production costs and revenues while the other company enjoys the rest. For example, a car manufacturer can pay for tire production; glass production and then collects the items for assembling. 

Brokerage model 

Anyone can receive a brokerage income based on their services, such as marketing ad agency business, since it involves earning commission for the services offered to different individuals and companies. Moreover, such a model can be customer referral, affiliate services, or mediation services; you need to inform the company about the services offered and get a commission.  

It works well for commission, affiliate and mediation model businesses. You need a network to increase your business commission, but when you become popular and known, you can easily scale your commission and affiliate payments.  


These revenue models value based on the products and values you offer. Hence the secret to a higher income for each model is to boost your service delivery and use it as a marketing tool and avenue to earn more. You also need to work on increasing your network to increase the number of potential customers hence the income.