Sclerotherapy Treatment: What You Should Expect From Your First Visit To A Clinic

Do you currently experience one or more symptoms of varicose veins? Are you suffering from spider veins? If yes, then all you need is to visit a reliable sclerotherapy treatment clinic in NYC.

Sclerotherapy is a reliable treatment option for vein problems. This treatment option involves injecting a certain solution deep into the affected vein in your body. The solution works by causing irritation to the blood vessel’s lining. This further causes the lining to swell and stick together. With time, the targeted vein will disappear, leaving blood to be redirected to healthier veins. That said, you can safely say that sclerotherapy aims to encourage proper blood circulation.

As you read on, you’ll discover all you should expect from your first visit to a reliable NYC sclerotherapy treatment clinic.

  1. It doesn’t take time

One good thing about sclerotherapy treatment for vein problems is that it doesn’t take time. It’s a quick treatment because the procedure is relatively straightforward.

  • To get started, the sclerotherapy treatment specialist will identify the affected veins in your body.
  • After that, the vein treatment doctor will numb the affected area.
  • Next, injections are administered directly into the targeted veins.

The bottom line is that the treatment can be completed within 30 minutes. With New York Vein Treatment Center, you can get quick and safe sclerotherapy treatment. For spider veins, you may likely see results immediately. In some patients, you may need to wait a little longer. However, full treatment results may take several weeks.

  1. Does sclerotherapy treatment have side effects?

It’s no more news that sclerotherapy is a quick & effective treatment for varicose veins and spider veins. But does this treatment option come with side effects?

Well, like many treatment options, sclerotherapy also has side effects. Some of these effects are common but mild. A few others may be severe.

For instance, where the injection goes into your skin, you may experience the following effects:

  • Tiny red blood vessels
  • Hives
  • Darkened skin
  • Bruise
  • Skin sores

In most cases, you should expect these effects to disappear within a few days to weeks.

Ensure to consult your health provider if you experience the following rare side effects:

  • Inflammation 
  • Blood clots
  • Allergic reactions
  • Air bubbles

Your vein treatment doctor will recommend suitable treatment options to address these side effects. For instance, if you have inflammation, the doctor may recommend a pain reliever.

  1. It’s not a one-time procedure

As quick as sclerotherapy treatment is, you need to understand that it’s usually not a one-time thing. Of course, there are a few reasons for this:

  • First, varicose veins & spider veins may have multiple affected veins. For effective treatment, each affected vein needs separate injections. This explains why most vein doctors often schedule multiple sessions.
  • Multiple sessions may be required because one session may not be effective enough to address the underlying vein problem.
  • One-size-fits-all doesn’t always work with sclerotherapy. This is so because response to this treatment option may vary from person to person.

Bottom line: to ensure effective treatment results, you should expect multiple sclerotherapy treatment sessions.