
What Are the Benefits of Eating Raw Nuts?

If you’re wondering whether eating raw nuts is better for your health, you should read on. Unlike pasteurized nuts, which have been treated to remove any trace of bacteria, raw nuts maintain their natural taste, structure, and chemical composition. They also have a longer shelf life than roasted nuts. And you’ll have less chance of contracting food-borne illnesses from bacteria. In addition, raw nuts are delicious! Buy now Reliable suppliers of raw Nuts.

Pasteurized nuts preserve their taste, structure, and chemical composition

There are a few steps in the pasteurization process. The first step involves running a high-voltage electrical current through a structure. This reduces the micro load in the nuts. The second step includes a cooling process. Finally, the nuts are cooled and stored. The process ensures that nuts are safe to eat and maintain their taste, structure, and chemical composition.

In California, almonds are pasteurized. Although almonds sold in the U.S. still bear the “raw” label, these almonds will not sprout and will start growing mold over time. Soaking these raw nuts in water also increases their chemical composition and releases healthy substances. The process is safe for people with a weakened immune system. The benefits of eating raw nuts are well worth the extra work.

They have more phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity

Studies have found that raw nuts have higher levels of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity than roasted ones. However, the exact mechanism of how these compounds are increased in nuts is unclear. These compounds are thought to protect cells from oxidative damage. Researchers also studied the antioxidant activity of peanuts, pistachios, and oilseeds. A recent study has found that walnuts have the highest levels of phenolic compounds.

They have a shorter shelf life than roasted nuts

The quality of nut products depends on the drying process, which is crucial to keeping them fresh. Most nuts will maintain their quality for three to six months when stored properly. However, it is important to note that the shelf life of raw nuts is much shorter than that of roasted nuts. This is because raw nuts are handled loosely and may be subject to oxidation. Darkening is also a significant quality concern, which is related to the initial drying temperature and subsequent storage conditions. In addition, raw nuts will have a stale taste if they become rubbery.

Another reason why raw nuts have a shorter shelf life than toasted nuts is the fact that roasted nuts tend to oxidize more quickly. This is because the unsaturated fats in nut products react with heat, light, and air and turn rancid more quickly. To help prolong the life of nuts, consider storing them in airtight containers. It is also important to note that roasted nuts have similar nutritional value to raw nuts, but their shelf life is shorter.

They have more copper and manganese

You might think that the best online Nuts Store isn’t a good source of copper and manganese. In reality, many nuts are rich in these minerals. Avocados, for example, contain almost four times more copper than an apple! That’s because the skin of an avocado contains more than half its copper content. You can also get these minerals from avocados, which are considered miracle foods by many. Avocados contain four times as much copper as an orange!


In fact, raw nuts contain higher levels of these two essential minerals. The bodies need manganese and copper to make red blood cells and metabolize glucose. These nutrients are believed to protect against cancer. Raw almonds are also high in riboflavin, which is important for cell growth and tissue repair. Some studies have shown that consuming raw almonds can lower the risk of gallstones. Other benefits of raw nuts include promoting good health and maintaining a healthy weight.