Boost Office Efficiency with Acoustic Screen Accessories


In today’s fast-paced workplaces, achieving peak productivity can be challenging. Noise and distractions often disrupt the workflow. Enter Acoustic Screens – your secret weapon for a focused and efficient office atmosphere. In this brief guide, we’ll delve into Acoustic Screen accessories that take your workspace to the next level.

Acoustic Screens: A Quick Overview

Acoustic Screens offer a range of benefits:

1. Noise Control: They significantly reduce noise levels, creating a quieter workspace.

2. Flexible Design: Acoustic Screens enable versatile office layouts, adapting to your changing needs.

3. Enhanced Privacy: They create discreet zones, ensuring confidentiality in open-plan offices.

4. Clear Communication: Acoustic Screens improve audio quality during calls and video conferences.

5. Aesthetic Appeal: These screens add a touch of sophistication to your workspace.

6. Social Distancing Compliance: They help maintain safe distances within the office.

Exploring Essential Accessories

To maximize the effectiveness of Acoustic Screens, consider these accessories:

1. Rail Suspension Fixing

The Tech Rail Fixing is designed for use with the Tech Rail to hang screens and baffles. It includes a plasterboard fixing dome or ceiling grid clip, wire drop, adjustable slider, and rail security base.

– Lockable: Ensures safety and stability.

– Wire Length Options: Choose between 1m or 3m for customized installation.

– Thread Diameter: M6 for secure attachment.

– Fixing Options: Available for plasterboard or ceiling grid installations.

This solution allows you to save time and money by fitting your acoustic screens and baffles.

2. Compatibility

The Tech Rail Fixing is versatile, suitable for various Acoustic Screens and Baffles, including:

– Alpha Baffles

– Avalanche Screens

– Flex Screens

Whether you need noise reduction or visual privacy, the Tech Rail Fixing has you covered.


In summary, Acoustic Screens are your key to a productive office environment. By addressing noise, enhancing privacy, and improving communication, they set the stage for focused work. Pair them with innovative accessories like the Tech Rail Fixing from to unlock your office’s full potential. Say goodbye to distractions and embrace a more productive, collaborative workspace.