Effective Mobile Marketing Tips for This Digital Era

Effective Mobile Marketing Tips for This Digital Era

Mobile marketing is king in this era. With the increase in smartphone usage, you cannot underestimate its importance. The use of mobile phones in digital marketing helps in promoting business. According to 99Firms, 57% of users do not recommend websites with poorly designer mobile versions. In fact, 66% of marketers admit they use mobile-optimized templates for promotion.

Effective Mobile Marketing Tips for This Digital Era

Henceforth, it is necessary that e-commerce business owners select mobile marketing for business. For this, we have shared a list of the necessary dos and don’ts digital marketers must know.

How to Plan a Mobile Marketing Strategy

While an ample amount of audience is using smartphones to connect with the digital world, you must plan a mobile marketing strategy.

Coming up with an effective mobile marketing plan is difficult. Henceforth, you must follow the statistics and start promoting our venture on this gadget.

Boost Up Your Website

For a long time, page speed is serving as an essential attribute for increasing page rank. Undoubtedly, the slow performance of websites can drive away visitors. Interestingly, Google is using page speed to rank websites on mobile phones too. You can always use your website’s speed through multiple tools. Likewise, check your page speed on mobile networks too and enhance it to promote business.

Prioritize Local Marketing

A huge percentage of mobile searches help embrace local brands. Follow a few mobile marketing strategies to attract a location-related audience.

  1. Update your Google My Business page, as it is the most critical aspect of local SEO.
  2. Plan your content strategy by using more local keywords. For instance, use street name, city, and neighbourhood details as your basic keywords for ranking easily.
  3. Register your business in more local directories like Yelp and Bing to boost traffic.
  4. Make contacting easy for your clients by adding authentic contact details on your websites like location, email address, phone number, and all other business webpage links.

Generate Mobile-Friendly Emails

Make sure your emails are looking perfect on mobile screens. Keep in mind, 39% of companies give attention to mobile-responsive email templates. Do you know how to create such emails?

  1. Prioritize short subject lines because smartphones display few characters than desktops. 
  2. Create an attractive pre-header text – the short email preview displayed underneath the main subject line. It builds the interest of readers.
  3. Keep the message short and simple because consumers dislike reading never-ending promotional stories on mobile phones.
  4. Include prominent calls to action (CTA) button at the end of your emails and help readers.

Promote Business on Texts

Most of the marketing emails go unread in the inbox. However, the audience usually opens text messages. You can try this strategy by offering your best discount codes for the latest products. For more, send texts only to your subscribers and let them feel honoured.

Add Videos in Your Content

Undoubtedly, watching videos is easier and attractive to mobile users. It takes less time than reading content and brings more traffic to your website. The success of video marketing is prominent in today’s era. Hence, if you wish to bring more traffic, create a few promotional videos for your eCommerce business platform.

Optimize For Vocal Searches

Voice search is booming. Most mobile users prefer voice search instead of written queries. However, this form of search involves more question words and complete sentences. Therefore, skip isolated keywords on a mobile screen and let people reach you while talking to their smartphones. Focus on the way you can optimize your venture for voice search.

Prefer Social Media Promotion

Undoubtedly, email marketing is the most popular way to promote your business. Nonetheless, you cannot ignore the importance of social media marketing, especially for mobile-optimized websites. Make sure to create your profile on the leading social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. It will help users to find you through every channel while using their smartphones.

Conclusion | Effective Mobile Marketing Tips for This Digital Era

The right mobile marketing strategy can always embrace the growth of your business. You must boost the speed of your website, make it mobile-friendly, and give attention to social media channels. Further, make sure to use the right keywords, email templates, voice search words, and video formats.

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