Perimeter of Triangle Practical Relevance

Perimeter of Triangle: Practical Relevance

Children often learn things quickly when they can relate to them with personal experiences and things around them. Leaving the rest of the subjects behind, mathematics is one such subject where people find it difficult to relate with the practical world. However, mathematics is such a logical and calculative subject that possesses most of the practical relevance to our surroundings.

Perimeter of triangle is one such aspect of mathematics that can help to nurture the thought process of your child and make them future ready. They can excel in any field if they find excitement in relating dimensions to the real world. 

Traditional Road to Triangle Measurement

The conventional definition of measuring the perimeter of the triangle goes with the addition of the lengths of all sides of the triangle. However, Cuemath can ignite an innovative thinking in your child by drawing a connection in between the calculations and practical. When they can relate better, they can learn the best. A triangle is a defined figure with dimensions. It is a shape with three sides and vertices and varying angles. The dimensional differences between the sides of the triangle gives a definite name to it. Triangles can be equilateral or isosceles. It can also be a right-angle triangle. There are different formulas to calculate the perimeter of the triangle.

Learning Triangles Perimeters and Their Practical Applications

Equilateral Triangle- An equilateral triangle is the one with all three sides of equal dimensions. Let us take that each of the sides of this triangle is A. It is easy to find the perimeter of this equilateral triangle with a simple formula. You can multiply the dimension of one side of the triangle three times. It will give the area around the sides of the equilateral triangle as A3

Cuemath do not believe in making children memorize formulas. They believe in infusing the concepts in detail. The best way to do so is to connect with practical life. Nowadays, children are fond of fast foods and one such mouth-watering food for children is Nachos chips. These chips have a unique and interesting shape. It is that of an equilateral triangle. You can ask your child to point out differences in dimensions of the chips while eating. They will feel that it looks similar when they are eating from one side of the chips. They won’t be able to point out any difference if they munch on the other side of the chips. It will help them to gain the best idea of an equilateral triangle and its perimeter.

Right-Angle Triangle- When the sides of the triangle are at right angles to each other, it is a right-angle triangle. Cuemath can give your child a suitable real-life incident that will imbibe a clear concept about the perimeter of right triangle. Your child must have seen some renovation work going on at your house where the workers place ladders along the walls. The workers place their ladders in a way that it forms a right angle from the surface of the wall to the base of the ladder. Cuemath helps to nurture these thoughts in your child’s mind while they are learning the concepts of right-angle triangles.

Finding the Perimeter of Right-angle Triangle

The Pythagorean Theorem states the interrelationship between the sides and angles of a right-angle triangle. The theory states that the square of the hypotenuse in the right-angle triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the height and base width of the triangle. If we consider the hypotenuse to be H, and the perpendicular and base to be P, B respectively, the formula goes as H2 = P2+B2. After finding the essential dimensions, it is easy to find the perimeter of the triangle using the summation of the sides of the triangle, that is H+B+P.

Do not worry when Cuemath is here. It can clarify the Pythagorean Theorem to your child in the most innovative way to infuse a long-lasting effect on your child. When he will relate mathematics to the real world, he will learn better.