Security Benefits Associated With Network Security Appliance

Today, we will see the developments of network security appliances and the benefits they can bring to our company.

Benefits of network security appliances 

  • The first thing we must highlight, without a doubt, is the inclusion in network security appliances, almost by default, of robust authentication mechanisms through biometric identification (fingerprint, iris, Face ID, etc.), which, in addition, have been refined and improved since its massive appearance to the consumer back in 2016 and 2017. This authentication is not based only on the most robust possible factors but also offers the perfect complement to take advantage of the new password less authentication trends. Another of the usual security controls, encryption, has been incorporated into the network security appliance for years, making it easier for the information to remain protected from unauthorized persons in the event of losing the device. So much so that even the main removable element, such as SD cards, also incorporates encryption mechanisms. It is relevant how these improvements that we take for granted in mobile phones are, today, ongoing projects of many companies with their business computers.
  • The second intrinsic benefit we have in these network security appliances is the natural orientation to acquire and install verified software on them from the application stores of each operating system. This is a considerable advantage since all applications uploaded to these public repositories are checked and verified from a cybersecurity perspective. It does not mean malicious applications cannot occur (we have often seen it in the news), but the probability is significantly reduced. Although Android allows you to install applications outside the official store, only some users use this option, which even requires activating specific permissions on the terminal.
  • Thirdly, we find the ease of having centralized control of any of the network security appliances from the company through what are known as mobile device management solutions or MDM. Integrating these into the tools is a relatively simple and trivial process. In fact, in most companies of relevant size, the user follows a guide of steps to “enroll” a network security appliance and already has access to all the functions of corporate applications. These solutions allow improvements to be applied in a standard and central way to all devices (e.g., how to force Operating System updates to the latest versions), as well as detecting suspicious issues on user terminals, even being able to execute remote deletion. On behalf of the user, if the device has been lost or stolen.
  • As a fourth benefit, we find these devices’ natural incorporation of mobile connections. Unlike laptops, which mostly require Wi-Fi networks to connect to, mobile phones do not usually have this dependency, reducing the risk of browsing on insecure networks. Also, they are network security appliances that offer excellent resistance to unavailability attacks. When the company’s network goes down, they switch directly to mobile data and allow us to continue working.
  • Another clear benefit, related to the previous point, is the ease of tracking our network security appliance in case of theft or loss. By having mobile networks, which cannot be disconnected without having unlocked the device, processes such as locating the phone, sending a blocking signal, or erasing it remotely are challenging to prevent by an attacker, leaving this as the only benefit that can be derived from the mobile phone itself and not from the information contained.
  • Finally, for those who have followed this trend thoroughly and operate only with a single network security appliance., by centralizing everything on the same device, we do not need to forward work files from one mobile to another, thereby reducing not only the risk that it may be intercepted, but the risk that it may be manipulated along the way or exchanged for another malicious file, thereby infecting our receiving device. Also, related to this centralization, protection costs are reduced, so we can improve the protection solution dedicated to the only device used or dedicate that saved money to the business agenda.

Not only does it directly reduce economic costs, but it also saves time.

There are fewer network security appliances to review and, therefore, more occasional alerts, and the user himself is even more inclined to understand security alerts and dedicate time if he only handles one single device.