Tips to Keep in Mind When Buying Car Insurance in California

The laws governing insurance vary from state to state, and California is no exception. That means anyone exploring coverage options may have questions or encounter problems they didn’t anticipate. To avoid issues, insurance professionals encourage customers to familiarize themselves with the state’s laws and, more importantly, work with an insurer they trust and feel comfortable with.

In most instances, auto insurance includes numerous policy details that most people don’t understand. Insurance experts anticipate questions and are prepared to answer any questions policyholders may have. Here are some of the issues California drivers must understand when exploring their coverage options.

Know the Basic Vehicle Insurance Requirements

California’s laws outline the minimum requirements for auto insurance, and vehicle owners must understand the basic requirements and how much coverage is needed to provide the best protection. The state’s minimum coverage may allow a vehicle owner to drive legally, but the minimum requirements provide little protection should the driver be involved in a serious accident. Take the time to discuss coverage amounts and their costs with an expert rather than simply settling for the minimum required coverage.

Always Compare Options from Different Insurers

Vehicle owners routinely discover that not all insurers offer the same coverage for the same price. The total premium cost often varies significantly, suggesting that insurance shoppers should seek quotes from several companies before deciding on a provider. Agents representing several companies are well-equipped to provide affordable quotes that meet a driver’s needs. In addition, check the rates of several companies at least once per year to keep premiums as low as possible.

Understand California’s Laws

Insurance laws change frequently, meaning policyholders may miss opportunities to save money while better protecting themselves from losses. For example, drivers with no or only one point against their record during a three-year period are entitled to a significant discount. On the other hand, drivers who make serious mistakes often face significant penalties and increased expenses, especially when a DUI conviction is involved. An insurance expert will help policyholders better understand their options and keep premiums as low as possible.

Improve Your Driving

Driving violations and accidents create significant problems for vehicle owners. Rather than risk paying higher costs for insurance, take steps to enhance your driving skills. Consider taking defensive driving courses, and never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Remember that many over-the-counter and prescription drugs cause physical impairments that make driving unsafe. 

Review Your Coverage Often

Most financial experts recommend reviewing insurance policies at least once yearly to change coverage as needed. For example, vehicle owners may elect to reduce or eliminate some coverage when a vehicle reaches a certain age. Contact an insurance professional for advice if you’re unsure when or how to revise a vehicle’s coverage. 

Of course, other factors should be considered when buying car insurance in California. That’s why drivers are strongly encouraged to review their needs with an auto insurance professional when shopping for coverage. If you have questions, now is the time to ask for help from an insurance expert.