
Valley Fever can be challenging during the pandemic – the essential aspects you should know!

Even though it is 2022, the pandemic exists, and people in the United States are still concerned about the novel coronavirus. But as time passes, and looking at the events that had taken place in Arizona and the various Southwestern parts, they stay warned about one more respiratory ailment, the Valley Fever. It has created suffering for many people who could not have been affected by the novel coronavirus.

Compared to the COVID-19 viral infection, Valley Fever is caused by a specific fungus called Coccidioides. The fever gets transmitted by simply breathing in the Coccidioides spores, which will generate from the dirt and not by one person to the other as it is with the pandemic. And in very endemic regions, for instance, Tuscan and Phoenix, typically one in every hundred individuals might have a scope from Valley Fever annually.

The only way one can avert getting affected by the novel coronavirus or lessen the physical suffering of the infection is by taking a vaccine. Yet some people feel that the vaccine should come with some incentive. According to a recent poll by MyBioSource, people in Maryland think the incentive amount should be $207. Similarly, for people in Ohio, it is $230, and for Nevada $175. 

There have been many hues and cries; first about the vaccine and second about whether one should take it. But Valley Fever is different; hence the way to manage it will also have to be case specific.

  • The scope of getting affected by both infections

Generally, Valley Fever makes the body vulnerable to the novel coronavirus. Since many people were affected by the Valley Fever and COVID-19, the chances of getting infected by both are present. And when you have one, there is a chance that you will have the other.

According to John Galgiani, MD, the medical director at Valley Fever Center, theoretically, it is possible for one person to get affected by both infections. The chances of it happening are much low. And even though it makes complete sense that getting the two conditions at once needs to get worse instead of having access to them one by one, I have yet to gain experience in judging how severe each infection can be.

And people who have suffered from Valley Fever earlier should not assume or take for granted that they will be affected by COVID-19. The chances are there, but this fever hasn’t shown any signs of weakening a person’s immune system.

  • Are the two ailments similar? 

Even though highly different in cause and nature, Valley Fever and COVID-19 have similarities. It is because both these infections get acquired through the person’s respiratory tract and are highly symptomatic. Some similar symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, and fever. And all the symptoms can range from mild to severe. There could be a few asymptomatic people. Hence, in some instances, people who suffer from Valley Fever and COVID-19 can go undiagnosed.

  • Understanding the differences

Since Valley Fever and COVID-19 are similar, it will be challenging to know what is what. Most doctors have opined that you most times cannot tell the difference. But typically, the generic patterns are slightly varied and will offer hints.

  • COVID-19 is becoming an endemic

According to the statistics, the confirmed case number is increasing and, owing to the current projections, will go up in Arizona. And the scopes of Valley Fever are always there, along with the seasonal fluctuations annually. Hence, as COVID-19 cases have been declining in recent months, the numbers for Valley Fever will go up in the coming days.

  • COVID-19 results in extreme ailment

The cases of chronic COVID-19 ailment haven’t been very evident. And when you make a comparison, the Valley Fever, at times, starts rather abruptly. It usually carries on for several weeks and lasts for many months before the symptoms get erased.

  • The main challenge with COVID-19 is the respiratory failure

Even though there is a chance of respiratory failure because of Valley Fever, the chances are less and rare. The infection can spread to multiple parts, destroying the skin, bone, and brain.

The medical community believes the only way Valley Fever and COVID-19 can get reduced and managed is through the vaccine. Massive work is getting done in the direction of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the vaccination drives globally have also been successful. There is a candidate to develop the Valley Fever vaccine, and work is getting done in that direction.

Hence, once you have a fever, face cough, and breathing problems, it is necessary to get checked immediately. Ignoring the symptoms or hiding them can be a dangerous thing. Once you know whether you have contracted Valley Fever or COVID-19, you can get clear about the treatment and work towards your complete recovery with all the knowledge.