What’s the difference between a Label and a Decal?

As consumers, we encounter labels and decals every day, but have you ever stopped to consider what the difference is between them? While both are used to identify and provide information about a product, they serve different purposes and are constructed differently. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between labels and decals, and why understanding these distinctions can be important for businesses and consumers alike.


What is a Label?


A label is a piece of paper or material that is attached to a product or packaging. It can contain information such as the product name, ingredients, instructions for use, and any legal or regulatory information required by law. Labels can also be used for branding purposes, with a company logo or tagline prominently displayed.


Labels are usually printed on a roll or sheet and can be applied to products using adhesive or pressure-sensitive backing. They can be made from a variety of materials, including paper, plastic, and fabric, and can be designed in various shapes and sizes to fit different products.


What is a Decal?


A decal, on the other hand, is a design or image that is printed on a material and then transferred to a surface using adhesive. Decals are often used for decorative purposes, such as customizing a car or personalizing a laptop.


Unlike labels, decals are not used to provide information about a product or brand. Instead, they are used to create a specific aesthetic or to display a message. Decals can be made from a variety of materials, including vinyl, paper, and fabric, and can be printed in a wide range of colors and designs.