Why Exactly Should You Learn Vim Today? | Vimified

Today, you can talk about the best text editors out there without mentioning Vimified. Released over two decades ago, this text editor offers support for almost all Unix models from BSD, Mac OS, and Linux. Most tech enthusiasts favor Vim today because it’s extremely fast and powerful. You should learn Vim because it’s very scalable and possesses a low memory footprint. This text editor also comes with extensive sets of commands, which allows you to perform even the most complex text-related tasks.

In the rest of this post, you’ll discover the pros and cons of using Vim, including why you need a reliable Vim course to master everything about this text editor.


  1. Speed and efficiency 

Vim has a unique modal editing system. This is one of the reasons why it’s pretty fast and efficient. With Vim’s unique modal editing system, you can quickly edit, navigate, and carry out many other important tasks without having to take your hands off the keyboard. With Vim’s extensive sets of commands, you won’t have to rely on the use of a mouse for vertical and horizontal movements. The commands will make it easy to execute various tasks without wasting time.

Bottom line: if all you want is a text editor that ‘s very fast and efficient, then you certainly need to try Vim. But Vim comes with a steel learning course. To master this editor, all you need is a reliable and interactive Vim tutorial, such as Vimified. 

  1. Customizability

Many people also favor Vim today because of its high level of customizability. Vim works by allowing you to use its editor based on your specific needs. For instance, this text editor will allow you to define your preferred key mappings. This offering alone will allow you to create unique and personal shortcuts for different actions.

Furthermore, Vim is highly customizable because it supports the use of different plugins. Depending on your needs, you can always install a plugin to improve the Vim offerings for personal purposes.

Furthermore, customization is possible with Vim because it allows you to create a “vimrc” file. This type of file is all you need to store your customized key mappings, comments, and basic settings. To do all these customization processes, however, you need a reliable Vim interactive tutorial, such as Vimified.

  1. Compatibility & versatility

Unlike many text editors out there, Vim offers support for almost all unix-like systems, including BSD, Mac OS, and Linux. What this means is that you can always install Vim on almost all types of system.

Furthermore, Vim is highly versatile. It supports several different programming languages. You can take advantage of it to carry out different tasks, such as editing, coding, and writing.


One drawback of Vim is that it’s not beginner-friendly. This text editor has a very steep learning curve, which will most certainly overwhelm you when getting started.

Furthermore, this text-editor has its own extensive sets of commands, which differ from what most other text editors.

However, these drawbacks should never stop you from staying away from Vim. Instead, all you need is a suitable Vim course, which can introduce you to the basics of Vims. Apart from helping you with a simpler way to learn Vim, this course will also help you to practice Vim appropriately and master the entire text editor.

Try Vimified’s Vim interactive tutorial and Vim practice game today.