4 Costly Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Wall or Flooring Tiles In Kentucky Today

Kentucky Tile Closeouts is currently one of the best tile stores in Lexington.  As the leading online tile store in Kentucky, this company understands while buyers need to choose the right tiles for their homes or offices. With tiled walls and floors, homeowners can easily improve the overall aesthetic appeal of their home. Besides, taking this move can also help to create more space within your bathroom and kitchen spaces.

For you to enjoy the goodies that come with using wall and flooring tiles, you certainly need to choose the right product, size, and quantity. Doing it wrong, unfortunately, can be very costly and you certainly don’t want to find yourself in this mess.

In the rest of this post, you’ll discover a few costly mistakes experts at Kentucky Tile Closeouts want you to avoid when buying tiles today.

  1. Not asking for a sample first

One mistake many people often make when buying wall or flooring tiles is that they fail to ask for a sample first. This is a costly mistake that could lead to you choosing low quality tiles or something that’s not suitable for your home decor.

So, the next time you’re buying flooring and wall tiles online from KY Tile Closeouts, we advise that you ask for a sample first. Doing this will help you assess the color, quality, and texture of the tiles you’re buying. By assessing the products, you can easily make a smart decision regarding whether or not the tiles are suitable for your home’s needs.

  1. Ordering less than enough tiles

Another common mistake many people make when buying tiles is ordering less than enough tiles. Agreed, you’ve done your calculation and understand the exact number of tiles you’ll need. But did you factor in wastage and breakages when doing the calculation?

Without considering breakages and wastage, you’ll most certainly run into a situation where the ordered tiles won’t be enough for your home spaces. According to experts at Kentucky Tile Closeouts, the best way to factor in wastage and breakages when making a large selection of floor tile is by adding an extra 10% or 15% to the figure you already calculated.

  1. Factoring in price ahead of quality

Agreed, everybody wants to buy affordable tiles and save money for other home improvement needs. While this is okay, you should never factor it in ahead of the quality of the tiles.

One thing you should keep in mind is that you’ll most certainly spend a lot of money on maintenance if you end up choosing low quality and cheap tiles. To avoid this, the best you can do is to start by identifying high-quality tiles that suit your needs. After that, you can then choose from the list the tiles that fall within your budget.

If you reside in Lexington, Kentucky Tile Closeouts is certainly one of the “best tile stores near me” worth patronizing today. This store offers high-quality floor tiles at an affordable price. You’ll certainly find high-quality products that suit your needs with KY Tile Closeouts.

  1. Choosing the wrong size

As you already know, wall and flooring tiles are never created the same way. They are available in a wide range of quality, colors, and sizes. Many people make the mistake of not researching before choosing the right tile size. Apart from causing a disproportionate look, choosing the wrong size of tiles can affect how easy it can be to care for and maintain your tiles. 

Consider the following factors when selecting the right tile size at KY Tile Closeouts:

  • You should choose smaller tiles if you’re only interested in slip-resistant tiles.
  • Larger tiles are ideal for your kitchen space and this is simply because they are pretty easy to clean and maintain. Besides, larger tiles can also make your kitchen space appear spacious.
  • Consider your room’s design when choosing the right floor and wall tile size for your bedroom. If you’re looking to achieve a modern look, then we advise you to go for larger tiles.

You can visit Kentucky Tile Closeouts today to choose the right and affordable wall and flooring tiles for your home.