Are you tired of watching your site visitors bounce off of your site after one page? Do you want to create a website that converts at every stage of the customer journey map?
Important Tips for Designing a Website
If so, then you need to learn to take in as many different tips for designing a website as you can. Doing so can help you gain the maximum return on your time and money investment. But, of course, you have to take action to see the results. There are many companies that also provide medical website design services online.
See below for an in-depth guide on proper website design in Houston and why it’s such a crucial piece to your digital marketing puzzle.
1. Prioritize Mobile-Friendliness
Gone are the days where a mobile-friendly site is viewed as a convenience for the site visitor. These days, a mobile-friendly site is of the utmost importance.
According to recent statistics, the global internet population has over 4.48 billion active users. That’s impressive by itself, but get this: 4 billion of them use their mobile phones to browse the internet!
Those numbers don’t lie. When designing your website, you have to prioritize how it will look on a smartphone screen.
But how do you go about doing that? Here are a few tips to get started:
- Make sure that your content and links have proper spacing between them
- Hire a website designer or purchase a website builder that has mobile-friendly themes
- Get rid of any pop-ups
- Make sure the site loads quickly
- Keep images light, yet impactful
If you’re stumped, just put yourself in your target customer’s shoes. How would they find you? What are they looking for? How can you layout your site so that they can find a solution quickly?
More people are using their smartphones than desktops and tablets combined. That means one thing: the desktop screen should be second to the mobile screen for your site design.
2. Use Proper Calls to Action
A call to action is everything when it comes to pushing your customers from one step of the customer journey map to the next.
Most people don’t think it has anything to do with designing a website, but they’re wrong.
Your call to action needs to be prevalent; it needs to direct attention to itself and inform your site visitor of the next step they need to take.
Remember, your target buyer has a problem, and you’re the only one that can fix it for them. They want you to tell them what to do; don’t be afraid of it sounding too pushy.
First, consider the goal for your call to action. Are you wanting them to purchasing something? Are you trying to gather their email?
If so, then you can implement a call to action on your site that incentivizes them.
For example, if you wish to collect emails, instruct your site visitor to enter in their email for a free PDF on “How to Speak in Public” or whatever your niche might be.
Lastly, put that call to action at the top of your page. Very few site users scroll to the bottom, so if that’s where your call to action is, it’s doomed from the start.
3. Reduce the Clutter
Think about this: Envision a chalkboard that’s filled with words from top to bottom. In the middle of it is an underlined phrase in large writing that reads “Look At Me”.
Even though that phrase is intended to be the one that grabs your attention, it would be hard for you to pay attention to it for too long.
Why? Because of all the other clutter and phrases that you’ll try to dissect as well.
This is exactly what your site visitors are struggling with if you have too much clutter on your site.
For example, your strong call to action won’t do you any good with a small video that pops up at the bottom corner of their screen.
Just because you can add features to your site, doesn’t mean you should. Keep the clutter to a minimum and direct the focus on your content instead.
4. Understand Your Content
What if you could estimate the traffic for your site? How useful would it be to know the keyword count in your content?
That’s all possible with a tool such as The HOTH’s free website traffic checker. Click to learn more at this link.
By understanding things like your keyword count and organic traffic, you can design the content in your site to capitalize. With time, this can help you build a passive marketing funnel for your business.
5. Use High-Res Images
Believe it or not, the images that you use on your website have a direct effect on its search engine optimization (SEO) success.
Not only that but using images that have a grainy resolution or are disproportionate to your content will hurt your brand.
Make sure that you’re using high-resolution images only. If you don’t have access to Adobe Stock or another paid subscription, you can still use things like Unsplash, Pixabay, and Gratisography.
Also, here’s an SEO hack for you: save your images with your primary keyword as its file name.
This is a subliminal trick to help your small business website boost its SEO results and generate more organic traffic.
Use These Tips for Designing a Website Today
Now that you have seen an in-depth guide on tips for designing a website, be sure to use this information to your advantage.
Take the time to browse our website for more articles on website design tips, as well as many other topics that you will find helpful.