Hospitality software

6 Features Every Hospitality Software Must Have

Using hospitality management software will help your business run more smoothly and efficiently. And to accomplish so, it is essential that you, as a hotelier, are familiar with the best options on the market that have characteristics ideal for your business.

While most large hotel chains have shifted to using a dependable cloud-based hospitality management system, many smaller and medium-sized hotel facilities still use an archaic, manual approach that only serves to degrade their efficiency. Hotel owners who are on the fence about adopting modern hospitality management software will find our list of advantages of a web-based, cloud-based hotel management system helpful.

There are several factors to consider when choosing a hotel management system, just as when purchasing a car. Finding reliable data on which PMS features are essential can also be difficult.

Seasoned hotel managers sometimes liken the operation of a hotel to that of a duck on a lake. The duck is cool and collected on the surface, but its legs are thrashing wildly below. Because customers are sometimes anxious about their travel plans or desire to entirely escape tension while on vacation, the staff must appear calm and relaxed despite the high volume of activity.

First, let’s cover the basics. These traits are fundamental for any modern hotel to employ digital technologies to improve the guest experience, streamline back-office processes, and build long-term relationships with guests.

Choosing An Appropriate Software Solution

It cannot be easy to locate an appropriate hotel management system. Cloud-based solutions, such as Cloudbeds, have risen to prominence and gained even greater traction after the recent COVID-19 outbreak. Modern hotel management ethos emphasizes the importance of setting up operations so that they can be managed from afar. In addition, investing in cutting-edge technology has emerged as the most reliable method of ensuring an atmosphere of social isolation.

There is now a lot of competition in the PMS industry, so users have higher expectations. As a result, most hotel owners understand now that they must adopt digital strategies. They want the best software development company in UAE offering cutting-edge technologies to automate their procedures and keep their customers safe.

A Cloud-Based Model

With this function, you can access your data stored on the cloud whenever possible. A reliable internet connection is all that’s required to get things moving. This technology is stylish and practical and ideal for the nomadic lifestyle of digital nomads.

As a result, the transition to remote work during the epidemic will be “painless,” with zero impact on business as usual. All the relevant information will be within easy reach. A cloud-based PMS ensures the safety of your data with regular backups, allowing you to work quickly and reliably.

The system, of course, needs to function on many electronic devices. Regardless of your device, your tasks should be presented properly on the website. To successfully manage a hotel, you and your staff must be on the same page regarding using HMS to achieve shared objectives and do routine chores. The absence or minimal need for extra training is a primary indicator of well-designed software.

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Better Reservation Engine

To function, a hotel must have a hotel management procedure that is entirely automated, nearly mistake-free, and free of human error. The enormous increase in travelers has pushed up demand for all hotel rooms. Even mid-sized and smaller hotels must consider the importance of a user-friendly hospitality management system software to give outstanding user experiences and commission-free bookings. The Booking System is as good as any Online Travel Agency site, if not better. You can take advantage of direct reservations from guests by using their system, and the inventory sold this way will also be reflected on OTAs. As a result, OTAs will sell all available rooms at the market rate.

Task Management For Workflow Control

When managing all aspects of a large or medium-sized hotel, the Hotel Management System must be improved independently. It’s vital to have a way to keep tabs on how much work each person is taking on, remind them when they need to get something done, monitor their productivity, and so on. The best action is to incorporate the task management software into your existing workflow.

Tasks for the front desk, kitchen, maintenance, housekeeping, conference room, etc., may be easily created and assigned. You can give a job to a specific employee and specify the due date and time.

Guest Experience Management

The term “guest experience management” describes a wide range of hotel management systems that include features designed to improve guests’ experiences while staying at your establishment.

What does that mean, though, in practice?

Guests’ preferences, such as whether or not they would like extra towels in their room and any other special requests they may have made when making their reservation, can be kept track of with the help of a guest profile tool. If a guest has severe food allergies, it’s important to know about them so that room service can avoid any potential catastrophes.

When it comes to repeat visitors, having a record of their past preferences is a huge help, and that’s exactly what guest profiles are for. It’s always nice to show appreciation, and repeat guests deserve special treatment, such as discounts or other perks for their loyalty.

If your booking system includes a feature that allows you to create deals and discounts while still optimizing your revenue, this is a fantastic way to put it to use.

Magical Business Growth Insights

You can only expand your business by gaining valuable insights from your data and revenue. Finding the finest hospitality management software requires insights that account for your income streams and customer information. Software like Property Management Platform can provide you with a powerful analytics suite. Our analytics package will help you determine your peak and off-peak booking periods so that you may set rates in advance for different accommodation types and distribution channels. You can also research the costs based on the various hotel room rates and meal options available.

Together with sales growth and source mapping, this program also facilitates growth mapping via usage. See comprehensive analytics revealing the origins of bookings, booking types, and revenue earned from each source. The software provides the hotelier with a full suite of tools for managing customer data. Guests, agents, reservations, and questions are all represented in this database. It can be transferred to Excel for various advertising and PR activities. You may analyze your data and earnings with the hotel management software’s insights portal.

A Native Booking Engine

The effectiveness of your Booking Engine is crucial in determining whether or not the guest will book with you. If the PMS works with it, then the best outcomes are possible. The less time a customer has to wait for a reservation, the less likely they are to cancel. Thanks to this function, potential guests will appreciate having access to details like room type, availability, breakfast selections, and more. Users should see all the relevant information when clicking the booking button.


Using the property maintenance platform to run your business will be a huge boost. The key is to equip hotels with innovative tools that will help them compete successfully.