Tips for Choosing the Best Home Cleaning Service

Choosing a home cleaning service is a big decision. Because that’s what you do, you should treat the process like an interview. You are hiring a personal or home cleaning service to get into your most private and intimate spaces and take care of your most valuable possessions. You need to look beyond the cost per visit and evaluate the overall experience a home cleaning service provider can provide. Take the time to evaluate your House Cleaning Services Burnaby provider and make the choice that fits your individual needs.

Is the house cleaning service you are evaluating guaranteed and insured?

This is a very important question. Your property insurance will give you some protection against personal injury on your property, but it is usually very limited and in most cases up to 10,000. This can be sufficient in most cases, but you should get insurance from a professional home cleaner to help mitigate the risk. At a minimum, they must have a general liability policy, workers’ compensation, and a fully covered car. Workman’s Compensation may be the most expensive to carry around, but it’s something you should really think about. If someone gets injured at work without this insurance, not only can they pay for the injury, but they could lose wages as long as they can’t work. Hiring a house cleaner should be hassle-free, and a good service provider will provide a copy of coverage upon request.

Bonding is a guarantee against dishonest conduct by service providers and their employees. This type of bond is usually not as valuable as the written document, but a good provider will have this coverage and will meet the steps necessary to keep this coverage in effect. Providers with bonds are more likely to screen their employees thoroughly and have anti-theft and loss policies in place.

Do new house cleaning services come with a warranty?

Most service providers do not have an official written warranty of any kind. A good company will. Request a copy of the warranty. At a minimum, it should be accessible from your website. If you contact the supplier within the specified timeframe (usually 24 hours), there is a strong guarantee that the scheduled cleaning will provide a thorough re-cleaning of items found to be insufficient. Another thing a good service provider can guarantee is a scheduled visit date. If cleaning is scheduled for every other Friday, the team is covered on that day. No one likes to have their house ready but the cleaners don’t show up as promised.

How do they pay their employees?

You want to avoid paying people under the table either on purpose or through your company. Ultimately, if you exceed household service limits and do not pay taxes on those services, you could be found liable for taxes owed to the IRS. by service providers. This will also help you avoid choosing companies that may abuse other employment practices, such as paying substandard wages to their employees and hiring undocumented immigrants. All of these can cost you financially and socially as a result. Choose a company that pays employees properly and pays all federal and local employment taxes. They may charge a little more, but you can guarantee that you won’t get caught up in their bad behavior.

How many people use it to clean the house? Are they the same people every time?

This doesn’t seem like an obvious question, but if there’s one answer, who’s there when they’re sick? We’ve got a really stressful weekend coming up with a bunch of people, and now we can clean the whole house. More than anything, something you could barely finish. Choose a company that sends the same people every time you visit, and work in a team of at least two, preferably three people. That way, even if one gets sick, at least one member of the team arriving that day will clean the house. Before. It also helps prevent cancellations. A team of three is best, above all, to get the cleaning team in and out of the house in no time. When a company uses a personal cleaner, that person can be at home for almost half a day for a typical household. For many obvious reasons, this isn’t ideal.

What type of cleaning solution does your home cleaning provider use? Do you have anything to offer?

You need to find a company that offers everything from cleaning solutions to consumables and vacuums. That way, if you run out of something, you won’t have to run around looking for supplies. Peoples also enjoy by using home theater power manager