Diversity Toolkit

Creating a Comprehensive Workplace Diversity Toolkit

The aim of having a workplace diversity toolkit is not only about ensuring that we achieve an integrated approach to all aspects of our diversity, equity, equality, and inclusion ambitions in the short term, but also to ensure sustainability in the execution of these strategies in the long run. 

The creation of a comprehensive workplace diversity toolkit must-have components that can be utilised year after year. This is so that insight and meaning are derived over time. In addition, consistency in the use of toolkits and frameworks will inform the necessary modifications to our core policies and plans as the interplay of internal and external dynamics are better understood and new challenges arise. 

Ultimately, any workplace diversity toolkit must have the ability to evolve with the organisation, incorporating the ability to tailor and customise aspects to specific workplace needs. We always need to remember that toolkits function best when we know their limitations. There is always work to be done beyond their application, and expert input and interpretation are often needed in addition to allowing us to more thoughtfully address and reflect on what still needs to be improved. Securing a healthy and just organisation where everyone has increased potential to thrive requires that toolkits act as enablers and positive catalysts within real-life relationships. 

Spoiled for Choice

Toolkits will invariably contain a myriad of possibilities from inclusion assessments, templates, orientation and training webinars, online and eLearning, to workshops and events—all aimed at facilitating an organisation’s competency and capacity to undertake the diversity, equality, and inclusion journey that’s likely to hold unanticipated tests. Preparation, readiness, and resilience need to be unquestionable in the adoption of toolkit resources that will underpin the passage.

Before creating a specific organisational workplace diversity toolkit, it is important to understand the status quo to prioritise what needs to be tackled when and how. As a starting point, we will need to measure inclusion to establish the scale of what needs to be addressed. It is essential that strategic choices are informed by sophisticated analytics complemented with experiences and direction on the best practices to enhance prospects of success.

If we decide that enhancing multi-generational working should be leveraged, we will need a different toolkit for example, than one that deals with leadership requirements to have courageous conversations and exercise greater influence. We need to be clear that we cannot deal with everything at once and select initiatives that are most critical to building the right foundations for more sophisticated and complex interventions in the future. Judging organisational readiness for the use of various toolkits is also, therefore, extremely important. 

First Things First

Before we even begin to craft organisational DEI statements etc., we are well advised to get help in setting up the right working committee that has credibility amongst all stakeholders. Their responsibilities and accountabilities need to be well-defined and will incorporate the creation of the right toolkit for the organisation throughout all DEI interventions. 

A primary focus will be providing leadership in light of organisational progress and nurturing co-operations, collaboration, participation, and feedback. The quality of DEI working committees in creating the right spaces for collective decision-making and ownership of outcomes will be vital to advancement as well as the selection of the right toolkits and their proper use. 

Creating a comprehensive workplace diversity toolkit is ultimately a reflection of the organisation’s decision-making functioning and capability, reflecting what is valued—-aligned with goals and objectives. Much care and due diligence are, therefore, demanded with the selection of toolkits to ensure they deliver the right tangible results. 

We might consider in addition that “we shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us”, according to Marshal McLuhan. Let us always create wisely.