5 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Fantasy Sports App Development Company

With the COVID-19 vaccination drive in full swing worldwide, our lives are heading back to the pre-COVID era. And, as fans are back at stadiums, the upcoming sports season will be intense with plenty of action from the sporting world, right from the T20 World Cup to European Champions League. 

So, are you considering building a fantasy sports App like MyTeam11 or Dream11? Hold your horse a bit, as developing a fully functional, secure, and user-friendly fantasy App isn’t a stroll in the park. 

You need by your side a fantasy sports app development company having a competent team of coders with practical experience and a proven portfolio to deliver on your expectations. 

However, with every second development company claiming they can build high-end, feature power-packed fantasy Apps, decoding on the right will be baffling. Fortunately, this article will enlist five critical questions you must ask your fantasy App development company before you decide anything.

Questions to Ask While Hiring Fantasy Sports Development Company

So, scroll down, and we talk about these questions in detail. 

Q.1 What Similar Work Did They Do Previously?

  • The past performance of any development company can predict the future results to a great extent. 
  • You can get a clear idea of their level of expertise and skills by looking at the similar projects they handled earlier. 
  • Ask them to provide you with the case studios and demo videos
  • Also, when you work with a development company that has handled similar projects, they will know what to do, this takes away a lot of headache from your end. 
  • So, feel free to ask them to walk through their portfolio, and then we hop onto the second question.

Q. 2 Can You Discuss Your Fantasy App Idea in Detail? 

Ask the company what approach they follow when building a fantasy sports App, what technologies and features they are well-versed with. And, inquire what’s their USP, is it the advanced features such as payment wallets integrations or ease-of-use. 

  • This will present a rough idea concerning how they work and whether they are the right fit for your project or not. 
  • The foremost step of developing a fantasy App is requirement gathering, so there are no grey areas. 
  • When the client and developer working on the project discuss, the probability of understanding gaps reduces considerably. 
  • The company must understand your budget, expectations, and timeline. 

It is best to stay clear of a development service provider that nods and repeats what the client says. Remember, the success of your project relies mainly on the thought process of your development partner. 

Q.3 How Will You Keep Me Updated on Progress?  

  • Another crucial question that you cannot undermine. Communication is what matters the most when building a fantasy App. 
  • Since you will be hiring an offshore company, you need to know how to stay connected with them during the project. 
  • It is indispensable to have seamless communication and stay updated with every step of the project, from design and development to testing. 
  • Most development agencies assign a dedicated manager who will be the point of contact to convey all information and get timely updates.  

Q.4 How Long Will the Project Take?

The length of a fantasy sports App development varies largely by complexity, functionality, and scope, along with the development team’s capability to hit deadlines.

  •  After having the initial discussion with you, a reliable fantasy App development company will give you a realistic estimate on how long it will take to complete the project. 
  • They will even divide the projects into key milestones, such as the complexion of the App design, its development, and then final testing. 

Q.5 What Kind of Testing and Quality Control Checks Do You Perform?

Testing is critical, whether building a fantasy App or an eCommerce marketplace. It is a no-brainer that the App will open quickly on smartphones, be easy-to-browse, and take minimum space. 

For this, dedicated testers will conduct a sequence of tests to determine whether the App is ready to be uploaded on the App store. 

Your App development company must follow a set pattern for internal quality assurance ensuring all bases are covered before the delivery. 

Let’s Put The Lid On

Finally, when you have the answers to the following questions, think and analyze which fantasy sports App company gives them the most convincing answers. 

Did they seem confident? And, don’t overlook their portfolio as it tells half the tale of whether they are worth hiring for your app development or not.